Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: What is Mayavarta, and how does it redefine fashion?

A: Mayavarta is an innovative platform revolutionizing fashion through augmented printing. Our unique approach brings clothing to life, merging the physical and digital realms to create personalized, dynamic wearables.

Q2: How can I experience augmented fashion on Mayavarta?

A: Explore our extensive collection of augmented prints on the website. Choose a garment, customize the design using our intuitive tools, and witness it transform into a dynamic masterpiece right before your eyes.

Q3: What makes Mayavarta's augmented prints special?

A: Our prints go beyond static designs. They are interactive, featuring 2D and 3D animations, text, and UI/UX buttons. This technology ensures your clothing becomes a canvas for self-expression.

Q4: How do I integrate Mayavarta prints into my Instagram posts?

A: Sharing your augmented fashion is easy! Use our Instagram filters, customize your prints, and share your creations directly on your Instagram stories, spreading the augmented fashion vibe.

Q5: Is Mayavarta environmentally conscious?

A: Yes, sustainability is at our core. Our augmented printing reduces fabric waste, and we are committed to eco-friendly practices throughout our manufacturing process.

Q6: How can businesses collaborate with Mayavarta?

A: Businesses can leverage our web application for advertising and promotions. From UI/UX buttons to animation features, Mayavarta's B2B solutions transform clothing into dynamic digital screens for engaging campaigns.

Q7: Can I track my order and delivery status?

A: Absolutely! Log in to your account, go to the "Orders" section, and track the status of your order in real-time. We prioritize swift and reliable delivery services.

Q8: Are there subscription plans for enhanced customization?

A: Yes, explore our subscription plans for premium customization options. From 2D animations to mixed reality developments, our plans cater to varying customization needs.

Q9: How do I get started with Mayavarta?

A: It's simple! Create an account, explore our collections, customize your prints, and experience fashion in a whole new way. Mayavarta welcomes you to the future of augmented printing!